Holy Cross Pastorate Middle and High School Formation
Our goal is to help teens develop lasting, life-giving Christian friendships with their peers and grow in their relationship with Jesus. We strive to cultivate a community that is rooted in the Catholic Faith, where your teen will be equipped to flourish as a human being and as a disciple of Christ. It is a great supplement to family faith formation, as it gives your kids the opportunity to socialize with likeminded people who are their age, and experience the faith in a fun and vibrant community.
For our Middle School teens we offer Edge. This is a Youth Group style program from Life Teen. For more information about Edge you can head to the Middle School Edge page.
For our High School teens we offer many opportunities from a monthly lunch, a weekly breakfast, and an opportunity for small groups twice a month. You can head to the High School page for more information and the schedule.
A note about High School changing from Wednesdays to Sundays. The reason for this change is in part to allow myself to be at both the Middle School Edge and High School Small Groups. Last year I was only able to focus on one group with them being at the same time. This will also hopefully allow for more high school teens to attend.
Below you will find the registration for Middle School Edge and High School Small Groups. There is no set fee to participate in Youth Group, however, to help cover the cost of food, technology, materials, etc., a donation amount of $50 to $100 per teen would be greatly appreciated.
Downloadable Schedule will be available soon.
Middle School Edge and High School Small Group Registration